The Material Handling Blog

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The Supply Chain as a Hot Career Choice

November 27, 2013
With all the buzz about supply chains recently, it’s no surprise that career opportunities in the supply chain world are also on the rise. In fact, logistician / supply chain manager was identified as one of the top growth jobs for 2013, but more than 250,000 supply-chain jobs will go unfilled each year through 2018 for lack of qualified talent...

Synergy of Information and Material Handling Automation is Key in Supply Chain Management

May 08, 2012
Business is ever changing and competition is always increasing, but the companies that can properly harness the power of automation in their supply chains will thrive into the future...

The Invisible Men of Material Handling

March 27, 2012
Upon the approach of my tenth anniversary with Bastian Solutions, I began asking myself what makes this company successful. After all, there must be some reason or reasons why I have found such satisfaction here that I have contributed a decade's worth of skill, talent, and effort toward the company's success. In answering this question, recent project experiences led me to an answer that lies partially outside of the company...

Change Management: 8 Tips to Successfully Implement a New Technology

June 21, 2011
Planning, implementing, and managing change is undoubtedly a difficult task if left to circumstance; nevertheless, these responsibilities are something many of us face.

3 Ways to Reduce Supply Chain Costs

May 18, 2011
Whether you believe the peak oil theory or not, the cost of crude oil continues to rise causing a major affect on a variety of supply chain costs. Last year, I listened to an economist talk about the influence of rising oil prices, and how it will change the logistics industry as we've known it in recent years. At the time I was skeptical of his predictions . Today with gasoline prices at $4.15 per gallon and rising, I'm starting to believe what he had to say. Here's why.......
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